Am 16. Juni 2015 war es soweit eine kleine aber feine Truppe vom Gymnasium Gmunden hat den Weg zu uns an die Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, ans Institut für Telekooperation gefunden um gemeinsam mit mir einen Workshop zu Mobile Computing zu gestalten.
This week I spent at ICOST 2015, the 13th International Conference On Smart homes and health Telematics with this years theme on Inclusive Smart Cities and e-Health. The conference takes place from 10th – 12th June 2015 in Geneva, Switzerland. More…
In the last months I was given the opportunity to be one of the guest editors for a special issue in the International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications. More…
Today I gave a talk at the annual IDC DataHub event in Vienna at the Austria Trend Hotel Park Royal Palace. The talk covered basic technology available for high-velocity, streaming Big Data. We discussed More…
Over the course of the last 10 years I have regularly been taking jobs in the business process management arena. One of my oldest customers still hires me from time to time for maintenance on one of their Windows based systems. As a Mac user I connect to their data-center More…
Am Montag habe ich im Rahmen der JKU TEC (Tomorrows Experts in Computing) mit einer WPG Gruppe Informatik vom BRG Wels Wallererstraße einen Workshop zu Mobile Computing gehalten. More…
Large-scale temporal graphs can serve as a model in many application scenarios. Recently, due to the popularity of online social networks and increased research interest in reality mining More…
In the summer term 2014 I was teaching a course on cross-platform mobile app development. During the course we covered all different options for cross-platform development such as cross-compiling, compilation and conversion of intermediate code, and finally direct language execution. The class was graded based on student’s projects and I have to say they all did a great job. In this post you can see the first of a series of demo videos from the projects.
As a follow up to our iiWAS 2013 paper titled “Big Data in Large Scale Intelligent Smart City Installations“, that won a best paper award, we were invited to submit an extended version to the International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications published by Emerald Insight. More…
This paper highlights how the domain of Smart Cities is often modeled by ontologies to create applications and services that are highly flexible, (re)configurable, and inter-operable. However, ontology repositories and their accompanying reasoning and rule languages face the disadvantage More…
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