Orif Orifov ECMA Cheque


Best Idea in the ECA Regional Mobile Application Contest

25 Jun , 2013  

I am happy to announce that my friend and colleague Orif Orifov, who worked together with me and our group on research agendas regarding mobile- and micro-learning, was able to submit our current research project “KursKoffer” to the ECA Regional Mobile Application contestThe contest was open for programmers and non-programmers and aimed to generate ideas, craft prototypes and develop applications/solutions that support innovation, business and rural developments through mobile technologies. It also aimed to create an environment where innovative startups were nurtured and supported to transition into a viable business.

The content was open for developers and teams where at least one member was a citizen of the following countries (ECA region): Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

Bottom-Line! Congratulations Orif for getting invited to the App-pitch, giving an excellent pitch, and winning a big cheque for “Best Idea”.

KursKoffer which is German and roughly translates to Course Bag is available on GitHub. The App allows users to download parts of Moodle courses for offline use on their mobile such that learning content is also available in areas with limited network coverage.

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